Here are the list of your order. Please ensure that we've list down the correct Code/Color/Size (If any). If something wrong, please do drop us E-Mail/SMS. Thank you :D
Batch 35 Order List(Pre Order)
1. May
QE626, Black/XXL
2. Kitty
TL2471b, Black/37
TL2510, Apricot/37
TL2510b, Black/37
YHX895, Black/37
RAY6049, White
YH7365, As Picture
3. Chiew Ting
SLSL21081b, Pink
QBJ77983, As Picture
QBJ88073, Apricot
YAB1926, White
4. Alyana
YA56203b, Black
5. Kavita
QE628, Purple,XXXL
6. Vivian
BR8-8501, Pink
AN2799b, Apricot
7. Joyce
YAH215, White
YAH215b, Black
YA47052, White
RAY6053, White
LIO9515, Green/XXL
QE621, White/XXXL
LLY1439b, Khaki/XXXL
8. Sue
AN2037b, Red
YA48128, Green
YAH215b, Black
YA69091b, Pink
LY1435b, Blue/M
MF33102, Light Green