Batch 48 - CLOSED!

Here are the list of your order. Please ensure that we've list down the correct Code/Color/Size (If any). If something wrong, please do drop us E-Mail/SMS. Thank you :D

Batch 48 Order List (Pre Order)

1. Priscillia
AYB219, Brown
AYB219b, Yellow

2. Nur
LY1597b, Green

3. Shirley
QBJ66336, Black
QBJ66336b, White
QBJ66356, Red
QBJ330339, Beige
QBJ330353, Beige
APW692, White
APW692b, Black

4. Nora
AYB222b, White

5. Joanie
YAF6836, Soft Blue
RAY8040, White
YAT8099B, Beige

6. Jessie
YA37010b, White
AYS21664b, Gray

7. Cathryn
XJ8307b, Black/XL
XJ8308, Black/XL

8. Stephanie
AYB222b, White

9. Eve
CO5476, Gray
YAF2023, Red
CO5487, Gray
